
Social Media Influence on Pro-Vaccine Education

Our Change the World Project, Social Media Influence on Pro-Vaccine Education, by Gabriella Calvitto and Yanina De La Torre aims to dispel the misinformation about vaccines that is found all over the internet due to misinformation and myths. Using the internet to create a website called The Disgruntled Immunologist. Written articles on our blog and post on two social media sources, Instagram and Facebook were made containing links to blog articles or relevant information on vaccines. The blog also provided links to reputable websites that allows people to get information on vaccines, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia. We found in the duration of when our blog went up that there are a lot more websites, blogs, and social media accounts that contain myths and inaccurate information about vaccines. To help curb the misinformation being spread on the internet we documented how social media are dealing with misinformation about vaccines on their platform. Also attempted to contact others using social media to share correct information about vaccines to help spread awareness and education.

Slide Presentation